Church Staff

Reverend Tresco Shannon, Senior Pastor






I am very much looking forward to ministry with First United Methodist Church in Clover, SC.  First UMC Clover has a wonderful history in the South Carolina Annual Conference, and I am sure that this tradition will continue for many years to come.  What an incredible opportunity to serve a church with such an outstanding witness of Jesus Christ.

I would like to take this brief opportunity to share with you a little about myself and my family.  I have two incredible children; my daughter Rachael, 36 (Ryan), my son Tresco Jr., 31 (Katie).  I also have three grandchildren, a granddaughter Iris, 5 and two grandsons Henry, 21 months and Watson, 15 months.

I graduated from Duke Divinity School in 1990 and have served in the South Carolina Annual Conference since 1989.  I have delivered papers and studies at several national sociological meetings and symposiums, including:  The Emory University Sociological Symposium, and I addressed The National Council on Family Relations annual conference held in Atlanta.  I have also published with St. John’s University Press Journal of Worship: “Ministry and Care for Person with Developmental Disabilities.”  I have been recognized by “Outstanding Young Men of America.”  I have also had the blessing of teaching sociology at the university level for several years.  I enjoy all sports.  Presently, my greatest hobby is to enjoy the outdoors life, especially camping and fishing, in the mountains of North Carolina.

With all of this said, I find it most important that I share with you my excitement in serving you, and with you, as your pastor.  I look forward to exploring additional opportunities for sharing Jesus Christ with this world, our community, and in our church.  I cannot be more excited to serve this truly great church, that I know First UMC Clover to be.

Reverend J. Richard Gibson, Pastor Emeritus

OT 1960, FE 1962, WI: 1958 SLP, RE 2001, SC: 1960 In School, W NC: 1961, NC: 1967, SC: 1962 Grace-North Augusta Min. Ed., W NC: 1966 FE, NC: 1967 FE, SC: 1980 Rock Hill-St. John’s Min. of Educ., 1990 Intentional Growth Center, 1993 Clover, Associate, 1997 First, Clover. Min. of Edu, 2001


Shirley Davis, Administrative Assistant & Financial Secretary

 I have lived in the Bethany Community of Clover all my life and am a lifelong member of Bethany ARP Church.  My three sisters and I were raised in a loving Christian home.  I have three children and six grandchildren. My husband, Bob Davis, is deceased. I love to read, listen to music and spend time with my family.  I have been blessed by being a part of the staff of First UMC for almost 28 years.

Christine Payseur, Business/Technical Coordinator

I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC.  I married Chuck Payseur in Dec. 1992 and moved to Clover.  I have two children Blake (24 years old) and Randi (20 years). Blake and his girlfriend Katie Hopper have two children Gunner Hopper (6 years old) and Madilyn Reese Payseur (9 months). Randi is attending Winthrop University, studying to me an Elementary Teacher. I love to read, watch NASCAR racing, going to the beach and spending time with family and friends.  I have been a member of First UMC for 15 years.

Cathy Allen, BIG/Tweens Coordinator

Cheri King, Director of Music Ministries

Cheri received her B.S. In Music Education from Erskine College, and has studied voice for the past 10 years with professors from the University of Tennessee, Winthrop University, and Erskine College.   While at Erskine she performed as both a soloist and a choir member of the Erskine Chamber Choir and toured Scotland and the East coast with the Erskine College Choraliers. Cheri has also performed in productions of “The Mikado”, “Suor Angelica”, “Celebrate Life”, and “Amahl and the Night Visitors”.  In 1999, she performed in the opera “Aida” with the Knoxville Opera Company. Cheri has previously served as Music Director at Dacusville United Methodist Church and the First Baptist Church of Clover. She has also served as a children’s choir director at several churches and has created and developed children’s music and drama productions for afterschool programs. Cheri has taught piano and voice for children and adults for the past 10 years. She and her husband served as full time missionaries from 1993-1997. During that time, she helped lead praise and worship music at conferences and events.  Cheri is married to Jason and enjoys being a mom to two wonderful children.

Tracie Kite, Sexton

Hope Long, Nursery Care/Coordinator

Jay Oden, Organist